If you look around at the "successful" people in life, they are setting goals.
Often we are resistant to setting goals. There are many reasons, pessimism that they won't work, fear of failure, lack of time, lack of thought, etc. The irony is you cannot arrive at a place you have not planned to reach. Either you can let life happen to you or you can be intentional about heading someplace. Flexibility and letting things take their natural course have their place, but if you have no destination picked, you are subject to what life will give you, rather than pursuing with passion what you want.
In the upcoming year, what do you want? Below are 5 tips to make your goals stick:
1) Visualize an inspirational goal. As you think back over the past year, what are you proud and excited about? What worked for you? What did not happen that you wanted? What did not work? As you think about the past, begin to think about the future (life, business, etc.). Where would you like to be one year from now? Visualize what that looks like if your life was exactly how you wanted it in one year. What would be happening? What would be different? Allow yourself to visualize your goal. A vision that gets you pumped up and excited is something you will work hard for. Begin by writing your vision of what your goal would look like when it is complete.
2) Be clear and concise. Given your vision of what you want your future to look like, what will it take to make that happen? Put this into the form of a SMART goal statement.
· Specific - precise. i.e. 20% over quota
· Measurable - way to check progress. i.e. 3 trainings.
· Achievable - It is possible. (keep fantasies in check)
· Realistic - Challenge yourself to stretch and grow.
· Timed - Have a completion/ success date.
3) Write goals in 1st person, with emotion and as if they were complete.
I have a balanced and peaceful life working 40 hours a week earning $100K in a field I love, AND have 3 quality hours each day to spend with my family in addition to feeling great because I am healthy (energy), fit (140lbs.) and having fun (weekly activity).
Accounting Solutions Inc. is proud to be the #1 leader in the Raleigh area to provide a one-stop for all small business accounting needs as evidenced by being the top choice for 40% of companies under 50 and servicing over 500 local companies. (December 2007)
4) Break it down and develop a plan. If you want to accomplish your goal, break down the yearly goal into monthly milestones. What will it take each month to move you closer to your goal? Each month break it down into weekly goals. What will it take each week to accomplish your monthly goal? Each week, break it down into daily goals of what it will take to accomplish your week's goal. While this may seem like a lot of work, it is simply creating a roadmap for you to follow straight to goal success. It is overwhelming and often difficult to see the measurable tasks that need to happen daily to make your goal happen. By breaking it down, you are able to push and make sure your goal is realistic and attainable.
5) Review daily. Post it in 3 spots where you can read it daily. Brian Tracey reports the single most effective thing you can do, though, is handwrite your goal each day until it is done.
Why set goals?
increase in energy and excitement as you start moving toward your passions & goals more powerful as you are making life happen rather than letting life happen to you. greater focus and direction and greater purpose.
What are you aiming for today? What are you excited about? Where do you want to be heading? Craft your goal today!
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