Piece by piece, any situation is a cinch to get over, but like any meat that you have to eat, it has to be cooked right. The meat of a situation is what I am writing about here. Not eating actual frogs and elephants piece by piece. Indeed, I am talking about chief metaphors here, and situations, not actual eating. So, that brings me to a point. I have all three editions of Brian Tracy's book "Eat That Frog", and I understand one thing: If it needs to be done, it needs to be done, also here is not any getting around it except to deny it or simply throw the situation away in total disgust and not want to deal with it.
In life there are things we must deal with "full boar" or totally engaged, and bad situations that come up are in that category. Today, I have a plumbing problem at home that I am dealing with that seems like an "elephant" at this time. Although I am at the library writing this article, I am still dealing with it piece by piece calmly, and arranging for repairs. Let me put it this way, writing this article today seems like the "frog to eat" and arranging the repairs seems like the "elephant to eat", indeed, I am dealing with them both piece by piece in a calm manner, though.
Listen, nothing ultimately is worth getting a panic over or too excited about. Nothing.
Thinking realistically, the more we handle in life without throwing it away or avoiding it in disgust, the better we get at handling life. All we have to do is think, act and generate results like putting the fork to our mouth with the frog or elephant meat, piece by piece. Get it?
When I think of reality, I think not of "beating reality at its own game", but I think of dealing calmly with it or to repeat the final words in James Allen's book "As A Man Thinketh", I simply say to myself "peace, be still" and start working calmly instead of playing the panic game. At the very least, I consider the best case scenario over the worst case scenario, and work on achieving the best thing possible.
You know, dealing with the up moments and down moments of life, I realize that they are just moments that we all have to ride with, and work on while we are in them and that whole group of moments is what we make them over all. So, how we deal with reality is as important as how we deal with all those moments in reality. If we deal with each one in a panic, then over all will be a panic. If we deal with each one calmly, over all will be calm. In short, reality is what we make it through moments and over all. Our choice. We decide how we eat it.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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