Friday, April 27, 2018
Tim Ferriss teaches speed reading | Tim Ferriss
Speed Reading what a great skill to have! is this the BEST way to learn to do it?
Brian Tracy personal power lessons for a better life
This is interesting, what your opinion on this approach?
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Jim Rohn: Self Discipline (Jim Rohn motivation)
Jim Rohn talks motivation, is self discipline the key ? over 323k views wow!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Tim Ferriss's Top 10 Rules For Success (@tferriss)
Are there really JUST 10 rules to be successful? does this make sense to you ?
How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You
Should we care what others think of us ? 2.6 million views interesting
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Tony Robbins & Marie Forleo: What It Takes To Have an Extraordinary Life
Do you want to REALLY change your Life ?
Do you know what it takes ?
Watch this !! Tony Robbins WOW
Steve Pavlina - 3 Core Fundamentals in Personal Development with Steve P...
Are these really the 3 CORE principles? what do you think?
Monday, April 23, 2018
Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference
This may be an older video, but WOW it is still so True!!
What do you think is Attitude everything ?
Goal Setting for Beginners - Michael Hyatt Podcast S04E08
Why do you need to set Goals ? Michael explains
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Feeling Behind In Your Life? Watch This.
So how do you catch up ? Would this work for you ? Listen and see!!!!
Goal Setting That Sticks
If you look around at the "successful" people in life, they are setting goals.
Often we are resistant to setting goals. There are many reasons, pessimism that they won't work, fear of failure, lack of time, lack of thought, etc. The irony is you cannot arrive at a place you have not planned to reach. Either you can let life happen to you or you can be intentional about heading someplace. Flexibility and letting things take their natural course have their place, but if you have no destination picked, you are subject to what life will give you, rather than pursuing with passion what you want.
In the upcoming year, what do you want? Below are 5 tips to make your goals stick:
1) Visualize an inspirational goal. As you think back over the past year, what are you proud and excited about? What worked for you? What did not happen that you wanted? What did not work? As you think about the past, begin to think about the future (life, business, etc.). Where would you like to be one year from now? Visualize what that looks like if your life was exactly how you wanted it in one year. What would be happening? What would be different? Allow yourself to visualize your goal. A vision that gets you pumped up and excited is something you will work hard for. Begin by writing your vision of what your goal would look like when it is complete.
2) Be clear and concise. Given your vision of what you want your future to look like, what will it take to make that happen? Put this into the form of a SMART goal statement.
· Specific - precise. i.e. 20% over quota
· Measurable - way to check progress. i.e. 3 trainings.
· Achievable - It is possible. (keep fantasies in check)
· Realistic - Challenge yourself to stretch and grow.
· Timed - Have a completion/ success date.
3) Write goals in 1st person, with emotion and as if they were complete.
I have a balanced and peaceful life working 40 hours a week earning $100K in a field I love, AND have 3 quality hours each day to spend with my family in addition to feeling great because I am healthy (energy), fit (140lbs.) and having fun (weekly activity).
Accounting Solutions Inc. is proud to be the #1 leader in the Raleigh area to provide a one-stop for all small business accounting needs as evidenced by being the top choice for 40% of companies under 50 and servicing over 500 local companies. (December 2007)
4) Break it down and develop a plan. If you want to accomplish your goal, break down the yearly goal into monthly milestones. What will it take each month to move you closer to your goal? Each month break it down into weekly goals. What will it take each week to accomplish your monthly goal? Each week, break it down into daily goals of what it will take to accomplish your week's goal. While this may seem like a lot of work, it is simply creating a roadmap for you to follow straight to goal success. It is overwhelming and often difficult to see the measurable tasks that need to happen daily to make your goal happen. By breaking it down, you are able to push and make sure your goal is realistic and attainable.
5) Review daily. Post it in 3 spots where you can read it daily. Brian Tracey reports the single most effective thing you can do, though, is handwrite your goal each day until it is done.
Why set goals?
increase in energy and excitement as you start moving toward your passions & goals more powerful as you are making life happen rather than letting life happen to you. greater focus and direction and greater purpose.
What are you aiming for today? What are you excited about? Where do you want to be heading? Craft your goal today!
Article Source:
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy
Wouldn't it be great if you could become a self made Millionaire! are these the real secrets to success?
Memory: How to Sharpen It
Memory is the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc. Alternatively, it can be defined as the mental faculty of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. It is essential in our everyday lives. We would not be able to function in the present without relying on our memory.
Human memory involves three components:
1. Encoding - Encoding is the first step to creating new memory. It allows information to be converted into a construct which is stored in the brain. It is a process that begins with perception through the senses. The creation of memory begins with attention. A memorable event causes neurons in the brain to fire more frequently, making the experience more intense and increasing the likelihood that the event is encoded as a memory. Emotion tends to increase attention.
2. Storing and retaining information - Storing and retaining is the more or less passive process of retaining information in the brain, whether it is the sensory memory, the short-term memory or the more permanent long-term memory. The more the information is repeated or used, the more likely it is to be retained in long-term memory.
3. Recalling - Recalling of memory refers to the subsequent re-accessing of events or information from the past, which have been previously encoded and stored in the brain. In common parlance, it is known as remembering.
However, memory is malleable and it tends to decay with age. So, one can stay sharp by learning about the science of recollection.
The human brain has an incredible ability to reshape itself when it comes to learning and memory. The brain's natural power of neuroplasticity enables us to learn and improve our memory at any age.
Ways to sharpen memory -
The following are some of the important ways to sharpen memory:
Exercise your brain - Memory, like muscular strength, requires one to "use it or lose it." The more one works out one's brain, the better one will be able to process and remember information. To strengthen the brain, one needs to keep learning and developing new skills. The activity has to be something that is unfamiliar and out of our comfort zone. The activity should be challenging one. An activity, which allows starting at an easy level and works our way up as our skills improve, pushing us to continue to stretch our capabilities, is more suitable. However, we should choose activities that, while being challenging, are still enjoyable and satisfying.
Do physical exercises regularly - Exercise reduces stress hormones. Perhaps, exercise plays an important role in neuroplasticity by boosting growth factors and stimulating new neuronal connections. Aerobic exercise is particularly good for the brain, so we should choose activities that keep our blood pumping. On the whole, any physical exercise that is good for our heart is great for our brain. A year of regular aerobic exercise can up the size of an adult's hippocampus by 2 percent, says research from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The researchers have also found that regular strength training can boost short¬ and long¬ term memory performance and attention. Physical activities that require complex motor movements are particularly beneficial for brain building.
Go for the joe - The researchers have found that caffeine blocks inflammation in the brain, specifically adenosine receptors, which can start a chain reaction that begins the mind's cognitive decline. The amount of caffeine we drink depends on the strength of the coffee and the size of the cup. One should not exceed the limit of drinking three cups of joe of standard size daily to derive the benefit. On the contrary, consuming more coffee than this may negatively affect mental health.
Develop healthy sleep habits - Over 95% of adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night in order to avoid sleep deprivation. Even skimping on a few hours makes a difference! Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills are all compromised. The research shows that sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, the key memory-enhancing activity occurring during the deepest stages of sleep.
Make friends - Humans are highly social. We're not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in isolation. Relationships stimulate our brains. In fact, interacting with others may be the best kind of brain exercise. Research shows that having meaningful friendships are vital not only to emotional health but also to brain health. Researchers have also found that people with the most active social lives has the slowest rate of memory decline.
Keep stress in check - Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies. Over time, chronic stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones. Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.
Eat brain-boosting food - A diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats (such as olive oil, nuts, fish) and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits. Such a diet can also improve memory. For brain health, it is significant that it's not just what we eat, it's also what we don't eat.
Improve skills to memorize - We can take practical steps to support learning and memory by the following:
• Paying attention,
• Involving as many senses as possible,
• Relating information to what we already know,
• Focusing on understanding basic ideas for more complex material,
• Rehearsing information we've already learned,
• Using mnemonic devices to make memorization easier.
The bottom line is that human memory tends to decline with age but, on the contrary, it is malleable due to brain's remarkable power of neuroplasticity. We can sharpen our memory by taking appropriate measures, which are within the reach of everyone but they need to be practiced regularly and effectively.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Zig Ziglar Motivation: How to Get What You Want
Do you araedy get what you want ?
If not how about watching this ?
This is so motivational
How to Use Your Inner Voice to Reach Your Goals
I recently wrote about pain and how beneficial pain is to your success. In that article, I mentioned that we all make decisions based on one of two driving forces, avoiding pain or pursuing pleasure. As most of us can relate to, pain from doing something we don't want to do is far more intense at the time of the action than the joy we get for taking the action. That is why so many people don't do the things it takes to have success. The unfortunate truth is, the fact that people avoid pain actually creates pain. Stagnation is painful. We all have dreams and desires and must find a way to move forward to live a happy and fulfilling life.
Fear is our minds trying to protect us from pain. Letting fear stop you is making the choice to avoid pain, instead of the choice to pursue pleasure. Without this understanding it is easy to fall victim, but now that you understand what is going on psychologically, lets discuss some strategies to break through that fear so we can start making decisions that benefit us.
One strategy to break through fear is to start focusing on your inner voice. This is the voice in your head that is constantly talking. It is hardly ever quiet, and it loves to give you advice. Some of you are saying, "What inner voice? I don't have an inner voice!" That is your inner voice.
This is your subconscious mind speaking to your conscious mind. Think of your subconscious mind as a giant file cabinet. It is filled with files from experiences in your life or with files from things you use to condition it. For example, remember the first time you had a crush on a boy or a girl in your class? Maybe you built up the nerve to talk to them and they rejected you. As you got older and had opportunities to speak to others you got nervous. That fear is created by your mind to prevent that negative feeling you have had in your past. Different negative events have happened to all of us that shape our decision making as we get older. Another example is, a song that you love that makes you think about a specific time in your life or a specific person. That could be a positive or a negative feeling. The point is, those experiences created files that your subconscious mind relies on the rest of your life. If you are about to do something that you consider scary, your subconscious mind will likely start talking to you and giving you reasons to not move forward. That negative advice coming from your subconscious is what we are trying to control.
I believe that if you are willing to take responsibility for what your subconscious tells your conscious mind, you will have ultimate power. You see, most people do not understand the difference between subconscious and conscious thinking and they are not aware of the awesome power the subconscious has. It literally can make you successful if you work at conditioning it in the right way. Taking responsibility for this is not easy. It is hard work, and being honest with yourself can be painful. Here are five ways to start to condition your subconscious so you can control that inner voice.
Celebrate Fear: As long as you are in a safe place, I suggest you celebrate the fear that you are feeling each time you feel it. Shout out loud, "YES!!!" and say something like "I LOVE THIS FEELING" "I LOVE FEAR" By doing this each time you feel it, you will start to condition your mind that fear is positive, (which it is). You can work on conditioning your mind to understand that fear is only there to protect you and that in most cases, you can safely move forward with your task. The more you do this, the more the positive messages your subconscious will give your conscious when you are faced with fear. I know this sounds a little crazy, and it does take time and effort, but this is one way that I know works.
Exercise: I know this sounds crazy too, but when you exercise and push your body, your inner voice will tell you to stop. You feel pain, and you can stop feeling pain by simply stopping the activity you are doing, running for example. If you can hear the voice tell you to stop, but continue pushing, you will start to quiet that voice when you have challenges in other areas of your life. So am I really telling you to exercise and push your body until your inner voice says to stop? Yes, I am. Again, this is hard, and it hurts, and it is great for you to do. It is just one more way to accomplish what we are talking about.
Meditate: This one is much less painful but can be just as challenging. This is taking 20 minutes a day to yourself, and I know how hard that can be. Meditating helps quiet the normally loud and obnoxious subconscious mind. The best ideas in business will come to you when you meditate, because you create space in your mind. It is also positive energy and thoughts going into your subconscious mind, which is what we need to condition it. If we can fill the file cabinet with positive files, that is what we will use when we make decisions. I have found this to be challenging because my mind goes 100 mph. I have had the best results from putting on head phones and sitting on a comfortable chair with a guided meditation. You can find these for free on YouTube or through podcasts. You can also pay a little to get great guided meditations.
Affirmations: This is hands down my favorite, and no matter what strategies you decide to use to help you with your inner voice, I feel strongly that this should be incorporated into your plan. There are several ways to use affirmations to help, but the best way I have found is to simply write down what you want to accomplish, maybe a goal, and then repeat it out loud to yourself each morning and night. Using a mirror and saying it with conviction increases the results. By repeating this over and over, your subconscious mind will start to believe in it and will start to work on making it a reality. It is crazy the power you have over your life with this simple technique. You can literally have anything you want by convincing your subconscious mind that you have it or deserve to have it. Once your sub-conscious mind is convinced it will pull the correct files to give your conscious mind when the time comes. The correct files will push right through your fears. This too sounds crazy, but trust me, it flat works!
Self Development: This is the easiest of all of them to do, so it too should be incorporated into your plan. This is simply listening to educational, self-help, and self-development material instead of the radio in your car. This is nothing new. I am pretty sure that every mentor I have had has said the same thing. It is so easy to do, and you will be filling your mind with knowledge, hope, and inspiration. That is what you need for the inner voice to tell you to move forward instead of telling you to stop when you are faced with a challenge.
There are several other ways to bust through fears that I will write about, but controlling your inner voice is a great place to start.
goal oriented,
life changing,
Positive Thinking,
self development,
successful people
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Eating The Frog Or Eating The Elephant
Piece by piece, any situation is a cinch to get over, but like any meat that you have to eat, it has to be cooked right. The meat of a situation is what I am writing about here. Not eating actual frogs and elephants piece by piece. Indeed, I am talking about chief metaphors here, and situations, not actual eating. So, that brings me to a point. I have all three editions of Brian Tracy's book "Eat That Frog", and I understand one thing: If it needs to be done, it needs to be done, also here is not any getting around it except to deny it or simply throw the situation away in total disgust and not want to deal with it.
In life there are things we must deal with "full boar" or totally engaged, and bad situations that come up are in that category. Today, I have a plumbing problem at home that I am dealing with that seems like an "elephant" at this time. Although I am at the library writing this article, I am still dealing with it piece by piece calmly, and arranging for repairs. Let me put it this way, writing this article today seems like the "frog to eat" and arranging the repairs seems like the "elephant to eat", indeed, I am dealing with them both piece by piece in a calm manner, though.
Listen, nothing ultimately is worth getting a panic over or too excited about. Nothing.
Thinking realistically, the more we handle in life without throwing it away or avoiding it in disgust, the better we get at handling life. All we have to do is think, act and generate results like putting the fork to our mouth with the frog or elephant meat, piece by piece. Get it?
When I think of reality, I think not of "beating reality at its own game", but I think of dealing calmly with it or to repeat the final words in James Allen's book "As A Man Thinketh", I simply say to myself "peace, be still" and start working calmly instead of playing the panic game. At the very least, I consider the best case scenario over the worst case scenario, and work on achieving the best thing possible.
You know, dealing with the up moments and down moments of life, I realize that they are just moments that we all have to ride with, and work on while we are in them and that whole group of moments is what we make them over all. So, how we deal with reality is as important as how we deal with all those moments in reality. If we deal with each one in a panic, then over all will be a panic. If we deal with each one calmly, over all will be calm. In short, reality is what we make it through moments and over all. Our choice. We decide how we eat it.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Every Dream Will Be Challenged
Since the release of the blockbuster movie, The Black Panther, the African American community is buzzing with excitement. People of color, who have been a victim of the "danger of a single story" (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), are again laughing, cheering and applauding all that we know to be true about who we are. Confidence is returning, and a hope that this movie, in "Wakanda' style, will transform what it means to be black in America. It is a place where women of color are portrayed as brilliant, brave and beautiful. For 134 minutes, women of color were able to step out of the portrayals of weakness and were permitted to assimilate into the brave images playing before them. Black Panther may be seen as only a movie by the majority, however, for African-Americans, women especially, it was a vivid reminder of who we are.
There is no getting around the fact that the Black Panther movie was revolutionary. But every dream will be challenged. This was also evident in the movie.
Metaphysically, we all face the challenge of balancing our desire to live our dreams of success while working to conquer our fears and our failures. In the midst of a high-tech society, we have fallen victim to consumerism and instant gratification, and neither supply the inner power to guide us to the dreams we thirst to achieve.
Luckily, we come powered by a substance more powerful than Vibrarium. We come filled with Spiritual Power; a power that can never be destroyed, and is easily accessible through our "awakening" coupled with a stubborn unwillingness to give up.
Here are a few keys to living your dreams.
1. Make a Decision - decide what you want and why you want it. Once you know what you want and why you want it, start thinking about how you will feel having accomplished this. Using your five senses, 1) imagine what things are present; 2) what do you hear?; 3) where are you sitting and what is the temperature? 4) is food present? 5) do you smell any odors? Be certain this is what you want and not what someone else thinks you should have.
2. Be Up to The Possibilities - as you allow yourself to think about all the possibilities of how your life will change, various negative emotions, thoughts, and events will appear. Take the time to acknowledge your contribution to the negative event, forgive yourself and any others involved. Declare out loud "all lessons are learned, and blessings are received." Now move on.
3. Keep a Gratitude Journal - writing down what you are grateful for will keep your focused on what is going well in your life and not what is going badly. Be generous with your gratitude. Record the simple things not just the big things Being grateful for your health is wonderful, but so is being grateful for housing, food, water, internet, laughter, etc.
4. Create an Action Plan - write the steps you will need to take to achieve your goals. Also, write down ideas as to how you will overcome any obstacles you think you may face. Your Action Plan will keep you moving toward achieving your goals and ensure you have an action plan for any obstacles. This Action Plan should include goals you would like to accomplish.
5. Take 5 Specific Action Steps Every Day - take five specific actions every day that will bring you closer to your goal. Following this recommendation will help you accomplish more in a shorter period. Some examples are 1) send press releases; 2) write a column; 3) read and respond to email.
These steps will help you achieve your goals and overcome any challenges you may encounter.
These steps will help you achieve your goals and overcome any challenges you may encounter.
Remember, life is too short to drink cheap champagne.
Dream Big! Live the life you've imagined.
Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor & New Thought Spiritual Coach, has the uncanny ability to help others break through toxic emotions and heal the residue left from traumatic experiences that are causing them to sabotage their success. She has an insatiable appetite for helping others achieve the impossible. She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration". Her superpower: Transforming Lives
Article Source:
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Brainwash Yourself In 21 Days for Success! (Use this!)
Can this be done in just 21 days ? 3.8 million views amazing
4 Ways to Unlock the Doorway to Your Subconscious
How powerful is the subconscious? Will this unlock it for you?
Monday, April 16, 2018
The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!
Can you harness the power of your mind ? over 6.7 million views must be worth a look!
Expectations Reality
William Shakespeare said "Expectation is the root of all heartaches"
In life, things don't always go as planned. We lay our scenarios in our heads, of everything going perfectly, and looking great, without a hitch or flaw. But let's be honest things almost never go down the way we think. We humans make our own fantasy world and think according to that, but reality is much different. I am not saying having expectations is wrong, we all do expect something from someone. A father does from his child, we from our friends and family and the list is never ending. But the thing is, sometimes we expect a lot from other people. We expect more from them because we would be willing to do that much from them.
Many of us have been in a situation where we felt helpless just because someone terminated our feelings. But this is how the life goes on. The only expectations we should have is from ourselves. We should keep our expectations high on achievements and low on people.T here is no reason to feel disappointed, just let the things happen. we should have our goals high. It's better to be surprised than to be disappointed.
successful people are successful because they are goal oriented. They don't expect anything from others but only from them. So we should have our dreams high and expectations even higher for ourselves. Because we are the writer of our own story, no one else will sail the boat of our lives. So don't expect more from the world. Be confident. Have the courage to face the world, be patient.
Thus I would like to conclude by quoting these lines from the Bhagwad Gita "Far better to live your own path imperfectly than to live another's perfectly."
Have you ever thought that you are being judged? Don't worry. There will always be one person sitting somewhere in the world finding faults in you right now. No matter how you walk, dress, talk, no matter what you do, no matter what you don't do, they are going to judge you.
We are surrounded by a huge number of people. They include our family, friends, and people we haven't heard names of. Except a few of them everyone else is judging you.
If you drink, smoke- they'll judge you.
If you are a girl and roam with your guy friends they'll judge you.
If you don't talk too much, they'll say you are snobbish.
If you start any conversation, they'll say that you are way easy.
If you decide to please yourself first, they'll judge you by saying that you are selfish.
If you don't go out for a round of beers, they'll say you are boring.
Thousand other examples would suffice this argument, but it's pointless. Negativity will always haunt you. It will want to tear you apart and strive to leave a tinge of sadness in your soul that can bring you down. And the only thing that can heal you are the positive vibes that we need to inculcate in ourselves. You know what is snobbish, selfish, easy, boring here... 'THEM'.
You will anyway be judged for everything you do, whether it's wrong or right. Just do what you feel is good until and unless it doesn't hurt anyone. Do what makes you happy, do what your heart wants you to do. Find a way that makes you stand apart and ignore the crowd.
In the end, it is the warm smile on your face after facing all the cruelness that will make people gaze in awe and make their mouth shut.
Guided Meditation for Deep Positivity - Law of Attraction - Self Hypnosis
Can Meditation really help ?
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Focus On Yourself And Not Others? (One of the Best Speeches Ever) ft. Et...
Should you do this ? over 4.6 Million views WOW
Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith
What are your thoughts on this ? over 4 Million views - got to be something to consider?
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Tony Robbins: Reprogram Your Mind (Tony Robbins Depression)
What do you think about Tony Robbins approach ? Half a Million views can't be bad!
How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)
Is this possible? Do YOU think you can reprogram your mind ? 2.8 Million views must say something!
life changing,
Positive Thinking,
power of the mind,
self development,
Spiritual Power,
successful people
Positive thinking…it can sound simple, but often, not easy. Our life is made of habits and even Buddha once said: “We are what we think.” This is why, it’s very important to constantly chose positive way of thinking and make an optimistic attitude – your habit or second nature. Let me share with you 10 advantages of being a positive person:
1) Positive mind attracts positive events.
First of all, if we decide to become positive, we can make the so called “law of attraction” work for our favour. The main principle of the law of attraction is that “like attracts like”. If you will make positive thinking your habitual way of seeing life, imagine how many great things you can attract into your life!
2) Great and harmonious relationships.
When you chose positive attitude, you will start to notice a lot of positive qualities in people and ignore their defaults, and then, you will start to create more meaningful friendships and great relationships. This type of attitude will create a very good and positive atmosphere around you.
3) Better first impression.
If you make a positive thinking your priority, you will always make a great first impression. People, usually, are attracted to kind and friendly personalities and the good first impression can have a big impact on the development of your future relationships.
4) Vibrant health.
Positive thinking is very beneficial for your health. Even several scientific studies have shown that people with a good, positive “vibe” are less likely to suffer from depression and they get ill more rarely than the negative thinkers. In many cases, bad thoughts are the main cause of deceases, and even the word “decease” means that the person is not at ease…Just change your thoughts and you will change your life. That’s why, taking care of our thoughts – is taking care of our health!
5) Key of success.
Positive people are more likely to be successful than the negative ones. When you will implement positive thinking into your life, you will notice that success becomes easier and it’s not as tough and difficult, as many people think.
6) No more stress.
The main cause of stress is worry and negative thoughts. If we think about it further, we can understand that stress never solves problems, on the contrary, it can leave us helpless. Positive people overcome stress more easily. When you start to increase the quantity of good and positive thoughts, stress will gradually leave your life, until you won’t hear about it any more.
7) Positive thinking and optimistic attitude will turn all your problems into opportunities.
Negativity can blind people’s mind. If you turn your thoughts from the negative ones into positive, your eyes will be opened and you will see the bottle half full, instead of half empty. You will start to notice solutions and will understand that every problem is actually an opportunity to grow. All problems can be solved, and you, finally, will be able to see it.
8) You will notice the abundance of good things in your life.
Sometime people live their life without knowing how blessed they really are, they take things for granted and forget to be thankful. As I mentioned earlier, there are certain laws in life, one of them says: “like attracts like” and another is: “you will reap what you sow”. When people live their live complaining and mourning about their destiny, without appreciating the things that they already have, then, they risk to lose even this. Appreciation and gratitude, on the contrary, can bring more of good things to be thankful for into their life. So, let’s be thankful and let’s count our blessings.
9) Boost of motivation.
Positive attitude will boost your motivation and you will start to achieve your goals quicker and easier. To have strong motivation is the same as to have “wings”!
10) Beauty will shine from within.
Positive thinking will make you look more beautiful. It happens naturally: smiling, friendly and happy people are, somehow, extremely attractive. Your inner beauty will shine and will become visible on the outside, as well.
This is only a tip of the iceberg of benefits of positive thinking. Actually, being optimistic and positive is the most beneficial skill you can learn in life, on my opinion.
Do you think it’s important to have positive and optimistic outlook on life? Please, share your thoughts with me in the comment’s section.
Do you think it’s important to have positive and optimistic outlook on life? Please, share your thoughts with me in the comment’s section.
Make positive thinking – your habit and stay happy!
PS: Here are some motivational quotes to make your day brighter:
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
– Eleanor Roosevelt
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
– Abraham Lincoln
– Abraham Lincoln
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
– C. S. Lewis
– C. S. Lewis
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
– Winston Churchill
– Winston Churchill
“Thoughts Become Things… Choose The Good Ones!”
– Mike Dooley
– Mike Dooley
“Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.”
– Victor Kiam
– Victor Kiam
“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
– Aristotle
– Aristotle
“Always desire to learn something useful.”
– Sophocles
– Sophocles
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