Time to protect your Privacy Online

Friday, August 31, 2018

How To Make Money Online - A Beginner's Guide

So your new to online business ? - heres a guide to get you started

Busting the eBook Myths

If you take a look at the trends and dig history, you will find that more and more readers are now getting inclined towards eBooks.

There can be a lot of different reasons for it and one of the prime ones has to be the increasing use of smartphones. With so many people staying hooked to their Smartphone all the time, it is but common to find that even readers want to have the kind of option wherein they can reach out and read their favorite books on the go.

The Feel isn't same

Another common myth regarding eBook is that it lacks the same feel which you get in traditional paperback. Now, one needs to clearly understand that the art of reading has more to do with the plot, the art of storytelling, the topsy-turvy emotional ride and not just the jacket of the book.

So, there is no such thing as the book not giving you same feel. A growing number of people have started liking the eBooks as it gives them a great advantage of reading it as and when they want. It eliminates the hassles of carrying your book to all places. Sometimes, you might squeeze in a little extra time without any planning and be having a book turns out to be handy.

The industry isn't huge

Gone are the days when one could disregard the eBook industry. The eBook industry has become quite big and there are so many firms that are working exclusively in the eBook conversion industry. Their main aim is to convert the book into a lot of different formats which can then be published and read by the end users. You will be surprised at how many companies deal with this kind of work and how they are almost always loaded with requirements because the industry is witnessing a constant and steady growth for a long time now.

Price matters
As a matter of fact, it has been seen that the consumer industry is strongly driven by price. One of the key advantages of eBooks is that they are always lower priced compared to the paperbacks as the cost of production is significantly less. This is one key reason why the industry is witnessing such a boom. However, it would be wrong to say that only those who cannot afford paperbacks read the digital formats. The trends are changing and with so many tech-savvy people emerging to the forefront, the digital books are soon becoming the face of tomorrow. Also, those who are environment enthusiasts tend to support digital eBooks as it helps in conserving paper, which is a natural resource.

So, stop fostering the belief that eBooks are not going to stay and they are definitely trending today. They surely are the modern day reading trend you too need to get hooked on.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9928801

Thursday, August 30, 2018

HubSpot's Stephen Higgins Explains Buyer Personas

So your new to this online marketing ? who are you even selling to ? take a look and learn how!

Do You Make These Website Traffic Building Mistakes?

Increasing traffic to your website is a key goal to a successful online business. But do you really want more traffic?

Or would you rather have traffic solely from your target audience?

There are three common mistakes you can make when investing in website traffic building.

Mistake #1: Getting Traffic From the Wrong Prospects
Imagine you owned a store on 5th Avenue one block away from the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree during holiday season. Hundreds of thousands of people walk by your windows and door. Would you want all these folks to come into your store?

If you said yes to "all" these folks, think again.

Why Attracting the Wrong Folks from Website Traffic Building Can Hurt Your Business
That's because many of these folks are not your target audience. And therefore, you would be spending resources on prospects with little chance of converting them into a customer.

On the other hand, if you solely attract your target audience into your store, your potential return on investment is much higher. Not only for the first sale, but for all future sales from repeat purchases.

The same goes with your website. Except, the costs of attracting the wrong contacts into your website are much higher.

You see, when you attract the wrong website traffic it can slow down your site. That can affect how long folks stay on your website, particularly those folks who are your target market.

Kissmetrics reported almost half of web users abandon a site within 3 seconds if it does not fully load. And about 4 out of 5 shoppers won't return to the site to buy again. Plus, over 4 in ten shoppers who experience this slow speed would tell a friend.

The bottom line is that slower speed from increased traffic of the wrong visitors can cause many folks in your target audience to leave your website, never come back and tell their social network.

Other problems can result after the wrong folks opt-in to your email. These problems can include higher opt-outs, lower open email rates, higher abandon shopping cart rates and higher costs for maintaining a larger database.

Mistake #2: Sending Website Traffic to Your Home Page
A very common mistake is to send traffic to your website home page instead of a landing page.
You can learn more about this mistake here.

When this occurs, the visitor will likely become distracted by looking at the content on the page, rather than opt-in in. As a result, the visitor judges your business based on what the site shows and states and may not opt-in before they leave.

Mistake #3: Not Having Persuasive Content on Your Opt-In Form and/or Landing Page
Persuasive copy is the most vital element on your website. Persuasive copy can move your prospect to act, such as opt-in or buy. Yet too few websites contain persuasive copy.

If you do not have persuasive copy on your landing page or opt-in form, why should a visitor opt-in?

But if you do not get your visitor to opt-in, you have no way to recover the cost of getting them there. And you cannot convert this into sales.

How to Fix These 3 Website Traffic Building Mistakes
The good news is there are easy ways to fix these website traffic building mistakes.

The first way is by attracting website traffic that focuses on your target audience. The more you know about your audience, the better the results. This includes demographics, psychographics and buying behavior. They key here is to exclude those who do NOT fit your target.

Direct mail lists, publicity, co-registration and affiliate marketing can enable you to focus on attracting your target audience. SEO and pay-per-click can too, but these strategies have a much higher risk of attracting too many folks that do not fit your target audience.

A second way is to create a landing page that promotes a lead magnet, such as a quiz or FREE report, plus an opt-in page. Your only goal here is to maximize opt-ins. That way you can develop a relationship with your visitor after he or she leaves your website.

The third way involves persuasive copy. This is what can enable you to convert your visitor into and opt-in lead and customer. But the copy should focus on the emotional needs and desires of your target audience. The more you know about your target audience, the better your potential results. Persuasive copy can help you increase response rates, so you can make more money.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9925558

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How To Create a Persona - Ignite Visibility, John Lincoln

What a persona in marketing terms? - How do you create one ?

Top 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to your Website

With thousands of websites currently out there, attracting users to your company or business website can be very demanding. But for the productivity of your company, having a high traffic to your website is needed, so you just have to solve this problem. Below are proven basic tips on how you can improve traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimisation; For you to gain traffic to your website, you have to properly utilize search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, without the technicalities involved, are ways of getting high visibility on search engines, like Google, yahoo, and bing. You can effectively utilize SEO by firstly, structuring your website to search engines descriptions, like at this website design company, where attention to creating the website structure based on the requirements of search engines for search engine optimization is done. Secondly, making use of popular keywords pertaining to your industry. Thirdly, by link building which is linking your website to another popular website in your field to generate more traffic.

Set up a blog; Blogging is a classic method of improving traffic to your website. Blogging is an extra way of using keywords related to your industry to drive more traffic to your website. It also gives your viewers important content for them to keep visiting your site. Having an interesting content on your blog not only keeps your viewers captivated. Blogging, in the long run, increases traffic to your website.

Paid ads; Paid ads is a productive way of increasing traffic to your website. Although it is costly, if used in the right way, it can prove to be very effective. If you have the budget for paid ads, I suggest you go for it. It's proven to be a faster way of improving traffic and it is easy to track to see the effectiveness.

Social media; With social media currently used by billions of people, it makes sense that it is a very effective tool for growing your website traffic. Start with the common ones available like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Involve your social media accounts with your website, by constantly posting and sharing things related to your website, while doing, make sure to create a link, linking to your website.

Track your traffic; For you to properly make use of the above steps, you will have to track their efficiency to analyze what is working and what is not working. For any of the above method, there are ways in which you can track them. In general, you should also track the general traffic to your website. Most website design companies make use of use Google analytics which is an easy medium to track the traffic of your website.

Know that getting traffic your website takes time, so while making use of the above tips, be patient and diligent.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9942334

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

BEST Ways to START Affiliate Marketing for Beginners!

so how do you start using affiliate marketing ?

You need your own Digital product

Having your own information product is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Your own digital product can help you to build and establish your brand. You can recruit affiliate marketers to promote your products for you. Best of all information products are easy to create.

Information products are a billion-dollar business. They range from eBooks to audio recordings to video courses. Once created, they can be digitally downloaded while you sleep. The money is automatically put into your PayPal account. It is all automatic and you don't have to do any more work.

Udemy is just one provider of online courses. They have 4 million students and 20,000 courses and over $93 million in annual revenue. Lynda is another big name online course provider doing $100 million in annual revenue. And there are many more online course providers.

But how much can you make with your own online course? Udemy claims to have 10 instructors who made $1.6 million in one year. The average instructor does not make that much money on Udemy. But the only way for you to find out how much money you can make is to create your own information product and sell it.

Some of the big name infopreneurs are making millions selling their own digital products. Check out Warrior Forum, Warrior Plus and ClickBank to see what these big-name marketers are selling.

This make money while you sleep is the big draw of becoming an infopreneur.

When you own the product, you control what happens to your business.

If you don't own your product you don't have a sustainable business. Having your own information product allows you to build a list of buyers. The list is yours. It can't be taken from you. The list is your business asset. You can now market to your list.

Here are some of the benefits you get from producing information products:

You get to keep 100% of the profits.

You get to set your own prices.

You get to hire affiliates and control how much commission you pay them.

You have complete control over the content.

By having your own products, you become an authority in your niche.

Product creation is the fastest ways to break into a niche and profit. You build an email list of buyers that you can promote to over and over again.

Information products are cheap and easy to make. Once you get good at creating them you can do it in a day or two. You can create a sales funnel of your own digital products. You can create higher price products. The higher priced digital products are the key to a sustainable online business. And you will get to keep the profits.

You can diversify into other niches and create multiple streams of passive income. You can sell your products on multiple platforms. Some of these platforms do all the marketing for you. Now they will take a bigger commission for doing the marketing but you can truly make money while you sleep.

Once your product is created in one form like an eBook it's easy to convert it into another form such as a video course or even an audio course. It's easy to make templates and quick start guides as bonuses for your product.

Once your product is created it can produce income months and years later without any more effort on your part.

So, if you really want control over your own destiny you can get started by learning how to create and produce your own information product.

Product creation is the fastest ways to break into a niche and profit.

Your own information product will establish you as the "go to" expert in your market.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9598431

Monday, August 27, 2018

WHAT is Affiliate Marketing and HOW Does it Work? For Beginners!

So heres an oevrview of what Affilliate marketing is ! - 1.3Million views wow

Beginner's Guide to E-Product Development

The internet is an elephant, so to speak. So how do you eat an elephant? One would say one piece at a time. Every internet guru has his own views about how to succeed in the internet or online, but like any other thing in life, there is no one perfect way, or one size fits all. Some say content is king. Some say begin with a list. Some say begin with 100% automation. Content, list, and automation all matter, but what about the person that is just beginning and doesn't know his left from his right? I believe a beginner should start with a product to prove his credibility and from there move on to building a list while at the same time gradually working towards automating his website to work on autopilot.

A Caveat about Starting With a Product
Having said that it's better to start with a product, I believe it's appropriate to throw in this qualification by saying that at the highest levels, you can actually sell a product you have not yet developed to your list or followers, but as a beginner, you may not be able to employ that strategy. At its most basic, it involves telling your followers that you have a product that is coming out in say 90 days or 180 days time and any one among them that buys in advance would get it at 30 or 20 percent discount. Some may decide to buy and you can then use the cash to develop the product. This strategy is for already well known "brands" like Peter Diamandis, Brendon Burchard, Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins to mention just four.

How to Develop Your First Product
This presentation focuses on how you can develop your first product. The truth is, in internet business, you don't have to wait until you have a perfect product. Just begin and continue improving along the way. If you compare cars or any product for that matter made in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and 2000s, you notice that they keep getting better in terms of design, sleekness, and performance, to mention just three aspects. That should be your aim. Start, and keep improving day in and day out.

In this presentation, the focus is entirely on electronic products (eProducts), not the selling of physical products online, which is referred to as e-commerce. I'm assuming that you're already an expert operating in six dimensions as an author, trainer, speaker, coach, consultant, seminar leader and now gunning for the seventh dimension, information marketing. If you don't consider yourself an expert, don't worry too much, we'll come back to that and the scales will fall off from your eyes. Even if you're not operating in any of the dimensions yet, say you're just an employee, don't worry, this presentation will open your eyes to the possibilities ahead. The author of the book Instant Income, Janet Switzer, listed over 52 eProducts one can develop in her Maverick Program but we'll limit ourselves to just the simplest products as this is a beginner's program.

Understanding or knowing which products to develop, the demand for those products and how to position your products are beyond the scope of this presentation. Also marketing, selling and launching your product are outside the scope of this presentation. Having covered those preliminaries, let's dive in on your product development journey.

Products Suitable For E-Copies
The main products that you can easily convert to e-format are:
• Books
• Music
• Courses (seminars) - these are generally referred to as "How to Products."
• Speeches
• Research findings

The Top 7 Most Lucrative "How to Products" Areas In the Expert Industry

According to Brendon Burchard, in his book The Expert Messenger, the seven most lucrative how to product areas are:

1. Motivation Advice
2. Leadership Advice
3. Financial Advice
4. Business Advice
5. Marketing Advice
6. Relationship Advice
7. Spiritual Advice

E-Product Formats
The main formats are:
• E-pub
• Mobi
• Audio (MP3)
• Videos (MP4)

Sites For Uploading Your E-Products
Having made or created your product, the next thing to do is to launch. You can launch your products through a combination of channels, including:
• Your website
• Third-party websites
• YouTube
• Vimeo
• Stitcher
• iTunes
• SoundCloud
• CD Baby
• To your List through an e-marketing platform, example, Mailchimp.

The Various Product Formats In Detail
Let us now take the product formats one at a time in slightly more detail.

PDF (Portable Document Format)
One of the easiest ways to join the online business as an expert is to start with training course, workshop, seminar or a book. Your book in particular can and will open doors especially if you can write a New York Times best seller. For a beginner, that might be far-fetched so let's just begin with a good book or a well thought out course. Having done your book or course (this applies too to seminars and workshops), you save in word or PowerPoint and convert it to PDF. PDF (portable document format) is a special format developed by Adobe and can be bought online or better still buy the CD and install in your laptop. Once converted to PDF, no one can amend or tinker with your product and you can upload it to your website and start selling. Sounds so simple? Yes! Technology simplifies things. Anybody with a laptop or smart-phone can buy your product and start enjoying it right away. Most new generation laptops and smart-phones have PDF reader pre-installed or you can simply download an app that enables you read the PDF document.

E-Pub (ePub) is short for electronic publication and is an eBook file format that the majority of devices, including iPad, android smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers can read. To convert your book to e-Pub requires a special software, which an average business centre can help you achieve. If you cannot get a business centre near you to convert your book to epub, you can do it online through a company by the name Allzone.

Mobi is especially peculiar to Amazon Kindle as that is the only format that Kindle uses. Starting in 2011, some analysts projected that within five years there would be over 53million Kindles worldwide so if you want one of the Kindle users to buy your book, you have no choice but to have it in Mobi format. But there is good news. Amazon does not even require you to convert your book into Mobi before uploading to Amazon. You can upload to Amazon in Word format and Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) will automatically convert it to Mobi for you.

MP4 and MP3
Just a few years ago we were using what was then known as CD (compact disc) before the mp3 format, which is an audio coding format for digital audio, was introduced. The mp3 (or MP3) format can store enormous amounts of sound so you don't need hundreds of CDs as before. Your finished work can be converted to mp3 very easily to be listened to using digital devices including smartphones, iPads and laptops. Don't worry about how to do this as an average sound or video editor would handle the technical aspects and help you uploaded your product to Stitcher, SoundCloud or CD Baby. Editing is not very expensive and goes for as low as $5 for a one hour episode depending on the editor and the fee keeps coming down as more and more people master the art of video editing.

Videos are what make the internet tick. Video engages more than any other medium so it's a must you learn how to do video. And the good news is that it's not as complex as you may imagine. You don't even need any technical skills. Direct-to-camera video is the one you make with an ordinary camera or camcorder. Camera comes highly recommended compared to camcorder not only because cameras are generally smaller in size and cheaper, but because they develop less heat compared to camcorders. Initially, you may have to rent the camera but with time, you may decide to acquire your own. The most popular camera type is Canon, but you can also make videos with your smart phone however there is a slight drawback as you may not be able to edit or get audio or MP3 out of a smart phone so having a camera has advantages.

The other type of video is the one you make with a software. For Windows computer, you use a software called Camtasia and for Apple computers, you use what is called screenflow. You have to pre-install camtasia (or screenflow if you're using Mac) in your computer to begin with. Let's focus on Windows computers since that is the one I use. Having installed camtasia in your computer, the other processes are pretty straight forward. You first prepare your presentation in PowerPoint. When your slides are ready, you put on the earphone and plug in the voice converter or adapter and switch on camtasia. Once camtasia is on, you start speaking and as you finish with one slide, you move to the next one until your presentation is over. Once your presentation is done, you save what you have done for editing and viola your video is ready and you can upload it to your website, YouTube or Vimeo. Editing is not very expensive and it's not something to worry about as an average business centre can handle it for you.

There is yet a third way of producing videos. This is different from camtasia video we just described above. In this case, there are actually companies that specialize in helping you make videos by providing you with prepared templates. One of them, which I use, is a company called Animoto. What you do is you sign on to Animoto and they give you the architecture to do a video complete with background music. You simply register with the company and once you log-in you just follow the straightforward instructions for preparing a video.

Animoto has free and paid versions of the service. The paid version starts at about $96 per annum. You don't need any skills to do a video. The website provides all the needed headings, such as description of video, which you fill in and upload the pictures and provide a description of your video and viola, your video is ready. In the free and lower end paid versions, the company's logo, Animoto, will appear on your video, but in the premium versions, nothing appears so no one would know you used Animoto. For the very high end versions, you can even customize by putting your name or company's name and logo on the video. For the free version, you'll be provided with a maximum of 6 place holders for just 1 minute video and no more. If you want longer videos then you have to go for the paid versions.

A journey of a thousand miles as the saying goes begins with one step. Internet or online expert business sounds and appears hard when you have no one to guide and show you the way. The fastest way to cut your learning curve is to get a coach and you'll be up and running in no time. In our Expert Empire Program we guide you through how to develop e-Products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9801486

Sunday, August 26, 2018

8 Advantages of Ebooks

As far as reading is concerned, e-books are all the rage in the here and now. In this article, we are going to talk about the advantages of electronic books. Let's go over some of the main advantages.

1) Availability

Digital books never go out of stock/print. All you need to do is get access to the website that provides a link to the book you are interested in. Within minutes, the book will be available to you.

2) Compatibility

As soon as you have downloaded the book, you can create its copies on different devices that you may own. You can also benefit from the cloud storage services. Moreover, if you delete the eBook by accident, you can re-download it from the cloud storage.

3) Storage

Another thing that makes eBooks popular is the ease of storage. The traditional books take up a good deal of storage as each book occupies some physical space. In a room, you can store a limited number of books. On the other hand, millions of electronic books can be stored in a single hard drive or memory card. And these digital devices don't take a lot of storage space.

4) Format

eBooks offer another great advantage, which is their format. As far as the type of media is concerned, you can enjoy pictures, audios and videos in e-books.

5) Audio

The synchronization of eBooks to audio books is a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, most of today's e-books come with a built-in audio book feature. So, you can learn from your eBooks while you are on the move. All you need to do is connect your headphones to your mobile and enjoy listening to your audio books.

6) Visual Aids

If you are a visual learner, different types of aids, such as charts and graphs are part of eBooks. Luckily, the functionality of these digital books is far beyond the traditional books. If your goal is to read and retain information, we suggest that you opt for the electronic type.

7) Search

Ease of search is another great feature of eBooks. Even if you have an eBook consisting of 5000 pages, you can get access to the right page within a few seconds. It just takes a few seconds to type your desired keywords and reach the target page. You don't need to flip through the book in order to get the information you need. The search feature can help you a lot if you are a student.

8) Cost
Unlike the conventional printed media, digital books can be bought at a fraction of the cost. This is even more important if you are a university student and can't spend thousands of dollars on your books.

So, if you download eBooks instead of buying the hardcover books, you can save a good deal of money. You just need to download the book and launch it on your computer or mobile device.

In short, if you own a computer or mobile device, make sure you give a go to the eBook versions of your favorite books.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9973081

How to Get Your First 10 Customers

struggling to get those first customers - heres how !

What is an Autoresponder and How Does It Work?

Should you be using these tools ?

Autoresponders - An Open Book - Everything You Need To Know, Revealed!

Have you heard about autoresponders? They have been a popular topic of discussion for many entrepreneurs today because of the many advantages they can bring to a business. 8 out of 10 businessmen use this system and they have nothing, but appreciation for them.

This article will discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of the autoresponder system. With this, you will know how to go about using these systems more effectively. My aim is to let you see clearly what they are all about and what more you should know about them.

Before anything else, let me first define what this system is all about. An auto-response system is one that allows you to send predetermined messages or replies to your subscribers.

Since not much has been written about their weaknesses, let me first cover some of the disadvantages.

The weaknesses of autoresponders:
1.) Robotic and Rigid. We have to accept that these are automated messages and no matter how much you try make it seem very natural and personalized, it will never be so. Your subscribers also know that these are automatic responses. Yes, they may feel special but not as special as when you reply to them personally via a call or email.

2.) Limited Information. When your customer receives your automated message, they will always have other immediate questions. And when you are not able to have a predetermined reply for this, they will not receive any reply regarding the specific question they are asking.

3.) Bothersome at times. These automated messages are predetermined. You receive them in a certain time of the day even if you did not really ask for them. This can bother some customers. Sometimes they even become irritable about receiving them. Email messages can be both distracting and disturbing during time of work or vacation. This is also the reason why customers will often unsubscribe to a certain sites.

The strengths of autoresponders:

1.) Automatic. Once you have set them up you do not have to worry about them anymore. The messages and replies are sent immediately to your subscribers. Once they are subscribed, they will immediately receive all the information and replies they need.

2.) Less hassle. Since this system is automatic, it will take less effort. Your customers will get what they need even if you are in a meeting or on a vacation.

3.) Promotion. This is a very useful tool for marketing. You can predetermine your messages and send them to them in whatever time and day you want. You may input all the most important features of your product or service. Put anything that your customer needs to know. A piece of advice is to make sure that your promotion does not contain a long winded article because subscribers do not like to waste their time reading long details. So be sure to put your information in the most creative and concise manner that you can. You can add designs if you want to.

Now, that you know some of the advantages and disadvantages of autoresponders. I am sure that you will now also have a much better idea about how to improve their use to suit your specific business.Auto responders are certainly here to stay so the trick is to use all of the services and techniques that they offer to maximize your value.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9223655

Saturday, August 25, 2018

How To Get Customers - Local Business Marketing

Local business looking for more customers? - try this !

What Is A Sales Funnel

What is a sales funnel ? does this explain it ?

The Case Against Using An Autoresponder

I've had to put on my best armour today.
Why? Because I'm no doubt gonna get one hell of a backlash from certain people. After all, email marketers are supposed to love autoresponders.

Aren't they?
Well, hold your horses. Because I'm here to tell you why you should be sending daily emails (as daily broadcasts) as opposed to relying on an autoresponder sequence.
Ready? Let's get straight into it...

1) You can't be "current" with an autoresponder
One of the best things about daily email, is that you get to talk about current events.
And when you talk to your prospects about current things that are happening in the world, they're gonna pay attention.
Want an example? Okay then. When Leicester won the Premier League, it gave me something current to talk about. And it turned out to be one of the most profitable emails I've written. I reckon this was just because people could relate to it, as it had only just happened.
TV series' and films also make for great email fodder. Again, clearly you have to be current when talking about these
But if you relied on an autoresponder, you couldn't exactly be "current", could you...

2) You risk "losing" a lot of people because of one email
Look, even I write a poor email once in a while (I know, shock horror, right?!).
But that doesn't matter. Because I can just make sales the next day with a better email. And that poor email would then be consigned to history.
But if that same email was in an autoresponder sequence, every single person who joined my list in the future would also receive it. Yes, I know you could take it out or change it. But that's making things harder than they need to be. Sending daily emails is just so less complicated.

3) Autoresponders don't tend to "pitch" in every single email
Look, I know you can easily make an autoresponder with a sales pitch in every email
But the fact of the matter is, most autoresponders don't. Instead, they tend to tell a story that is told over the course of numerous emails, before then pitching a product/service.
Now, listen.
I'm sure this works.
There are certainly guys who do successfully use autoresponders. Andre Chaperon and John McIntyre spring to mind.
But I believe Ben Settle is the best email marketer in the world. And he does daily email. And, yes, he pitches every single day - without having to take anyone through a long-winded story sequence. Clearly, you're gonna make money faster doing it Ben's way. And I like fast. I'm sure you do, too.
Anyway, I'm not saying autoresponders are the devil.
Far from it.

In fact, they do have some advantages over daily broadcasts.
But yo know what? For me personally, nothing has come even close to beating daily email when it comes to making sales.
And trust me, if you do it right, it'll be the same for you, too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9445152

Friday, August 24, 2018

Social Proof Hacks - Increase Conversion Rate

so lets improve those conversion rates now!

Things to Look for in an AutoResponder

An AutoResponder can be defined as a program that answers your emails automatically when received. They can be complex or very simple. So as to understand what an AutoResponder is, think of emailing system that is set in a way that it can respond automatically using prewritten texts or a system that is able to fill out forms as it searches for any further information on what is on offer.

Success in internet marketing
The very success in internet marketing can be achieved by automating the most repetitive tasks as you can. The AutoResponder can be very helpful as they can allow you to be much more effective and they can help you to accomplish so much more within a very little time. Time is a very valuable thing. If you are able to use time effectively, then you will be able to increase income in a great way.

What to look for
There are several things that are very essential and should be considered when choosing the best AutoResponder. They include:

Personalization features
Personalization is a great way of addressing all subscribers by their names within your letters. When you do this, your response rate actually increases. More people are likely to open messages and review them when they are made personally. Insisting on AutoResponder personalization will give you great returns.

Ability to broadcast
When you think of special announcements, updates and discount offers that are aimed at an entire list, then the ability to broadcast be a feature that can be really helpful. You may get a very quick response after you have sent out the messages. You only need to press the send button and everyone will know what is on offer.

The ability to import
Sometimes you may want to migrate those lists or even purchased lists and if you have the import feature, then this becomes very easy and fast to achieve.

Restrictions on size
As you continue doing your online marketing, then you will end up having very large lists of customers. Your AutoResponder should be in a position to handle these numbers of subscribers without any trouble. Being able to manage the long lists is an added advantage.
The very first of the AutoResponder kind was created by agents within the mail transfer sector and they realized that it wasn't possible to deliver emails to a certain address but rather got the bounce messages. Today, it is a very important thing to ensure that email backscatter isn't created because the auto responses can actually be sent to spam folder of messages.
AutoResponders are important email marketing tools and they give important information to various prospective customers. Fallow ups are also done within time intervals that are preset.


AutoResponders can be categorized into two. They are the server side that enables different users to install the system on their servers and no technical skills are needed. There are also the outsourced ASP models that can operate in infrastructure of the provider. Configuration can be done through a control panel based on the web.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9747714

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!
The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.

And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.
This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.

Why Cold Sales Don't Work

Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.
If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?

Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.
If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.

How to Convert

So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.
Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!

You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.

You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9722160

How To Build High Converting Opt In Page

So how do you build high conversion Optin Pages - maybe heres one answer?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Beginner's Guide To The Autoresponder

It's generally true that the lifeblood of any online business is your email list. Therefore building an email list is something you need to be doing from the outset. List building can be a very simple process, if you have a few tools in place before you get started. One of the most important tools you are going to need is an autoresponder. Without an autoresponder building your list is going to be much harder if not impossible.

Fortunately, there are a few different autoresponders out there and they are generally easy and inexpensive to obtain, Some are even free. And most are extremely simple to use. You won't need to outlay too much money to get started, nor will you need any specialised skills.

What Is An Autoresponder?

Autoresponders are messages set by you to go out automatically to your email list. They help you by automatically sending out emails and newsletters to recipients who have signed up to your list.
You can schedule each individual set of messages, (known as a campaign) to go out to your list in a sequence set out by you. You can decide what messages are sent by which campaign and even control the rate at which they are sent. For example you may want to send emails out to a new subscriber on days 1,2,3,4,5 then slow down the rate of emails to say day 7,10,14 etc. Autoresponders are invaluable because they enable you to write your messages in advance and they keep track of who they have sent them to and when.

They also give you a breakdown of how many of your recipients opened the messages, clicked on links etc.
The best autoresponders also give you the ability to create and manage newsletters, even providing you with hundreds of templates.
As you can see, an autoresponder service is really an essential part of your list building arsenal. Without it, you would find it almost impossible to collect and manage email addresses. It would also be a nightmare trying to keep track of what messages you have sent to each individual address.

There are two types of autoresponder services...

Self-Hosted Autoresponders

Self-hosted Autoresponders won't normally cost you a monthly fee. They will usually have an upfront charge for the autoresponder itself. However, what you save initially may cost you later down the line because of problems that can arise when using this method.

First, with self-hosted autoresponders, you have a very real chance of all your messages getting delivered to your recipients spam folder. This is because a self-hosted autoresponder does not usually contain the ability to stop messages being filtered as spam.

Second, you will have to deal with any spam complaints you get by yourself. When you use a hosted service, they will usually handle any spam complaints you may get on your behalf. Also with a hosted service, you have the option to use double-opt. This ensures you will have extra protection in the event of any spam complaints.

Third, hosted services usually provide you with the ability to back up your lists should anything go wrong. With a self-hosted autoresponder this will be solely down to you to attend to. Add to that any maintenance you may need to carry out and all of a sudden the money you are saving may not seem such good value after all.

Hosted Autoresponder Services

Hosted autoresponder services are much less of a headache to use. Not only are they generally white-listed with most of the major ISP's, but they also ensure you are protected in the event of any spam complaints you may get. They also have lots of extra useful features that you would not get with a self-hosted autoresponder.

There are numerous hosted services for you to choose from and each comes with their own pros and cons. If you have never used an autoresponder service before, it can be very difficult to decide which one is best suited to your own personal needs.

With this in mind, I'm going to give you a brief summery of the five most popular autoresponder services available today. You can then better decide which is the right one for you. Remember, once chosen you will usually have to stay with the same service for as long as you are running your business. If you decide six months down the line that you want to change your autoresponder, you will have the unenviable and somewhat complicated task of transferring your list to your new service.

Transferring your list to a new service can be a very time consuming and awkward job. Your new autoresponder service may even require you to ask all of your list to reconfirm their subscription. Best case scenario, this could take a long time, worst case you could lose a large chunk of your email list in the process.

Obviously, if you have spent the past six months building your list, this would be a major setback. So as you can see, it is important to choose the right autoresponder service from the start.

Popular Hosted Services

Aweber has been the most popular autoresponder service for a very long time now. The reason is they are a very reliable service, with some great features and a price plan that will grow with your list. Therefor its not too expensive at the outset, in fact at the time of writing it's free for 30 days then just $19 a month. As your list grows your monthly fee will increase. Aweber is also fairly easy to use and with access to over 700 templates and 6000 stock photos it is well worth considering. It also has a great has a great customer support system.

GetResponse is second only to Aweber in terms of popularity. They also boast some great features including a fairly substantial image library as well as over 500 templates. As with Aweber, Getresponse is simple to use and also has plans that will grow with your business. Starting at $10 a month they are cheaper than Aweber, and also offer the option of getting an 18% discount if you pay for 12 months in advance. Again at the time of writing they are offering a 30 day free trial.

Just like Aweber and Getresponse, iContact is offering a 30 day free trial. With packages starting at $14 a month they are competitively priced and with a 15% discount if you pay annually are well worth a look. They provide a very reliable service and although not as user friendly as Aweber and Getresponse their autoresponders are still very good. Add to this the fact that you can manage a list of up to 15,000 subscribers they offer a very enticing autoresponder service. Another great point to take into account is the ability to import your existing list and add contacts manually.

Constant Contact also offers a free trial period, but unlike the others this is a 60 day trial. Like Aweber and Getresponse they offer a service that grows with your list, with packages starting at $20 a month. They also offer a good size image library, templates and a phone app. They are a little let down by the lack of features compared to Aweber and Getrsponse. But with a really good support network they certainly offer a a service worth considering.

Finally we have Mail Chimp. Mail Chimp is somewhat different to the other autoresponder services, because they offer a free service aimed at startups. If your list remains below 2000 you will not have to pay anything. After 2000 names on your list then you can go onto the paid plan which starts at $10 a month. However, with the free version you are limited to the features you have access to so you may want to start on the paid plan earlier in order to access the extra features.

Bottom Line

The autoresponders I have listed all have really good integration features and work really well with WordPress. As WordPress is used to build around 28% of all the websites on the internet, being able to integrate into this platform is an important feature.

Although I have listed what are probably the five most popular autoresponder services out there, that's not to say you should disregard the others. By all means have a look at a few of these and decide for yourself. We all have different wants and needs and maybe you will find a service more suited to what you require.

Have you started using an autoresponder service yet? If so which one and how are you finding it? Do you use a self-hosted autoresponder? what problems have you faced and how have you overcome these?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9799560

Conversion Rate Optimization - 8 Tips for Success

Its all about conversion rates. but how do you know what to do?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

4 Simple Steps to Improving Newsletter Click-Through Rates

How to Engage Your Target Audience for More Clicks

Newsletter marketing can be extremely effective and really grow your business, but it has to be done right.Bloated copy or an incoherent message are easy ways to torpedo your own potential to have users click through from the email.

While Click-Through Rates (CTR) vary by industry, you can improve your chances of being at the top of your niche by following rules that have shown that, regardless of industry, they'll prompt users to click more.

If you haven't reviewed your stats on your newsletters, it's a good time to do so. We reviewed various email marketing tools before, and if you use any of those, you have the numbers on your newsletters easily available to you.

If you don't have those numbers, it's well worth looking at our post and upgrading to a better service.

Take a look at these industry-by-industry newsletter averages and compare them to your stats. Are you at par with your industry, above or below the average?

If you're above, you likely have a pretty good newsletter already. If you aren't seeing numbers like these then your newsletter structure likely needs to be overhauled.

So what can you do to get those numbers up?

Make sure you've got these all covered!

1. Set a goal for every newsletter.
Whether it's a sale or a webinar event announcement, make the point clear before you start. If you have more than one goal, create a hierarchy for your newsletter designers to adhere to.
If you do them yourself, create the guide so you don't stray off course. By making this goal system you'll stay on topic and deliver your message without clutter.

2. Write your email with your goal in mind.

Write it out without any distractions and once done, put it away. After a few hours look at it again and refine it so it's more streamlined.
Often when we start writing we include many elements that are actually unnecessary, and when it comes to email newsletters you want to be as clear and concise as possible.
If you've got a link you want users to click on, then you have to make sure that goal is stated right at the start.

3. Ensure there is value in your goal.

What will users receive by clicking? If you haven't given them a good reason to click, then they likely won't. An announcement isn't as valuable as directing users towards a conversion funnel, so keep your goal(s) in mind when evaluating what's most effective.
A new sale or webinar with a way for users to buy or sign up on your website warrants a quick, clear email that explains what your newsletter is about and the value the user will get if they click.

4. Make it easy to click through!

Don't hide your Call To Action (CTA) amongst a mountain of copy. Remember: most users tend to be on mobile devices, so if your newsletter copy and CTA are too small, you're throwing away potential leads/users.
Always remember not to over complicate things. Make it clean, quick, and simple, and if you have value in what you've emailed your subscribers about, they will naturally click through on a large, prominent CTA.
Many small business owners have difficulty with their newsletters and we've seen why. Before you attempt a revamp or even after you've drafted one, please get in touch with us.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9982747

How To Design Optin Pages, Squeeze Pages or Lead Pages That Convert PART I

we keep hearing about Optin pages that convert ! BUT how do you build them?

Monday, August 20, 2018

Email Marketing Funnel Ideas

Email Marketing Funnel Ideas Are Turning More Subscribers in to Customers
Email marketing conversion are created to motivate your user to complete action or make a purchase. One of the unique ways for growing your email list (and profits) is by creating email marketing funnels for all your products, services, events and more. Before we search for exactly how to use an email marketing funnel, let's see about how to get more subscribers on your email list to start with. Sending extremely targeted, personalized messages is compulsory to your success and it comes to conversion email marketing funnels.
You should be clear with the goal you would like to achieve from your email campaign and also it should be relevant to customers needs and specific. In other words, the call to action should be clear. Below are few popular conversion funnel you can create:
Abandoned Cart:
When some customer starts leaving from your website but doesn't complete their purchase, don't let them go away. You should pursue with an abandoned cart that sends a series of messages created to motivate them and to complete their purchase. The message might say something that, "Did you forget to complete your purchase?" Then again one message could offer a discount or free shipping, and a last message could capitalize on the recipient's fear of missing out if they don't make the purchase.

should anyone subscribe? What's in it for the subscriber? How do engage them in the communication? The answers will help you to kick-off with a proper mindset and come up with compelling and useful content ideas.
Customer Loyalty Program: Create loyalty programs that gives benefit to your most valuable and loyal customers. For an example, when you can create a program that's stimulate to start based on a user's actions, and the user makes a purchase for the first, second, third, or any number of times you select. Messages in this funnel should explain how the loyalty program works and make your customer feel outstanding as a member of this incompatible group. Offering a discount when the receiver join the program to turn this into a conversion funnel that leads to a purchase right now.
Other than this you can also segment your email marketing list with open rate and un-subscriber list to get more clear view before sending your next email marketing campaign.
Digital Marketing is a progressive field. Companies are increasingly shifting from traditional marketing to digital marketing, using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google AdWords. The digital marketing industry is booming and there is a huge demand in the Marketing field.

Know Your Customer:
Always try to know your audience before you start an email marketing funnel customize to their needs. Develop in-depth customer’s personas - that will help you to make unique content decisions. Ask yourself the following questions: Why
should anyone subscribe? What's in it for the subscriber? How do engage them in the communication? The answers will help you to kick-off with a proper mindset and come up with compelling and useful content ideas.

Customer Loyalty Program: Create loyalty programs that gives benefit to your most valuable and loyal customers. For an example, when you can create a program that's stimulate to start based on a user's actions, and the user makes a purchase for the first, second, third, or any number of times you select. Messages in this funnel should explain how the loyalty program works and make your customer feel outstanding as a member of this incompatible group. Offering a discount when the receiver join the program to turn this into a conversion funnel that leads to a purchase right now.
Other than this you can also segment your email marketing list with open rate and un-subscriber list to get more clear view before sending your next email marketing campaign.
Digital Marketing is a progressive field. Companies are increasingly shifting from traditional marketing to digital marketing, using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google AdWords. The digital marketing industry is booming and there is a huge demand in the Marketing field.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9974662

Your Optin Page - The Top Of Your Marketing Funnel - High Converting Lan...

So whats an Optin Page?

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Internet Marketing For Beginners - 13 Tips For Massive Traffic

Have a look at these 13 tips - got to worth a view to get you on the right track

Twitter for Small Business

so how many of you small business owners aren't using twitter to promote your business? here is why you should!

Thursday, August 2, 2018